My Purpose

Typovanam కారణం మరియు ఉద్దేశం
It is now a widely known truth that Telugu as a language is almost at the brink of extinction. Though the fourth largest spoken in India, Telugu has been falling out of favour especially in its written form, since the last two decades, confronting an onslaught of deliberate extermination, and diminishing patronage. If the trend continues, it could sadly be placed in the list of endangered endemic languages of our country.

The question as to why it is being ignored is, that almost all academic curriculum is taught in English from preschool to PhD. English is so invariably employed as:
1.) Most of the jobs require proficiency in English
2.) Competitive exams use only English as a medium
3.) All Government Orders, Bills, Judicial Orders, Certificates etc., are in English
4.) English is looked upon as an index of one’s education and social status.

While we shouldn’t simply dismiss the relevance of English in today’s society, it is however imperative that we give our own native tongue the respect and standing it deserves. Well, isn’t it always left to us to preserve our tradition, culture and heritage that have been extant for centuries? I feel that every language has to evolve. My endeavour is a part of this process. I believe that it is only thus that it can become a mix of local, national and international languages and regain its historical glory. 

In pursuit of my movement, I have aimed this blog mainly at:
1) Inspiring youngsters to have an honest outlook of our vernacular language
2) To create awareness of our linguistic charm to Designers/Type enthusiasts and artists, and expose them to a wide range of possibilities on the stunning variety of work in our local scripts.
3) To elevate the standard of our language and ensure its reach far and wide.

Of course it is undeniable that Telugu is still being used, such as in Movie posters, Banners, Shop Front Displays, Directional Sign Boards, Digital Media, etc., To stretch this domain, I believe that a thorough understanding of various typographic expressions using our language could result in better environmental graphics and improved communication, and engagement with people.

I genuinely hope that my enterprise ‘TYPOVANAM’ would be effective enough in promoting Native Languages through newer expressions and Typographic experiments which could be formulated elegantly. Through this small effort of mine I hope that our language once again reaches its actual grandeur instead of being reduced to a ‘Language of the Poor.’
